News & Events
On 4 November 2014, the Income Distribution Focus Area hosted a workshop for its members, in Gauteng. The purpose of the workshop was to take stock of the work of this focus area, and the timing of the workshop was carefully aligned to a second workshop, organised by the National Treasury and World Bank, on 5 November.
In addition to offering Incentive Grants to individual researchers and scholarship top-up awards to Masters and Doctoral students, and Postdoctoral fellows, the project now also offers team grants to research teams consisting of a minimum of three researchers who produce at least 4 papers for the project.
The project’s Steering Committee recently approved an increase to the value of the Incentive grants offered to researchers: these grants now have a value of R50,000/paper produced – we hope that this will indeed incentivize researchers to submit their proposals!
During the period May – September 2013, the project launched the Income Distribution and Inclusive Growth focus areas, through hosting two focused workshops, the outcomes of which were the production of research gaps documents for each of these focus areas.
The purpose of these workshops is to promote respectful and open engagement on contemporary economic policy issues within a small group of influential policy researchers and under Chatham House rules.